Okeey, here's my policy on my images: I dun really have one. I've gotten the majority of these pictures from other people's sites, very very few have been scanned or whatnot by myself. /I/ have no problem with you taking them for your own use, and the anime ones you can find almost anywhere. However, the manga pictures are very often scanned by people who would like credit to their page, so please be very cautious when taking my manga picts. Please go to my Credits page to see the many people who I've gathered pictures from. NOTE: If you see a picture on my page that is scanned or created by you, and you do not wish to give me permission to use it, /please/ e-mail me so I can either a)give you the proper credit or b)take it down immediatly. I really want no quarrel, I only believe in the spreading of pictures from fans to fans for the benefit of enjoying a great show.
Please note: I do not allow direct linking. That is, when you're building your webpage and you put in an address in your brackets, you insert the address from a website that isn't yours. That is /not allowed/, people. Please save the picture to your own hardrive and upload it to your page.
The other thing I don't allow is stealing my graphics. Images you can find on a billion people's pages is one thing, but graphics are another. I make all my graphics myself and I would be severly pissed if I went around and found people putting up my graphics like they're their own. If you like my FY (or any other...) graphics and really have no way to make them yourself, I would be happy to make whatever anyone needs, and have you credit me. But do not steal the ones on my page, /please/. This is one thing I'm very strict about.
Well! Now the bitchy parts over. Thanks for your time!
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